Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Bryce and I

Jenna on the boat

Eating some pizza crust


Travis and Jessie

Amazed by the fireworks

staring at the fireworks

Cheri and Chan

Chris and Cheri

Chandler making Jenna giggle

Jenna playing in the creek at the zoo

Sitting up all by herself in her cute sweater dress

Jenna Grace

Chan checking out the animals

staring at the gorilla


too cute

Jenna loves the water!

Chandler at the zoo after we had to come home early
because of the tropical storm

Capri Sun on the Beach

The fam at Inlet Harbor

Chandler and Jenna on the beach

Mommy and her girl

Being crazy!

Something tasted really bad!

She loves the Bumbo and loved the sand and the beach

building sand castles

Chillin with daddy walkinga roundon River St.
in Savannah

Watching Baby Einstein on the way to Daytona